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  • Why is UI/UX important in mobile app Development
Sunita Saini 0 Comments January 06, 2021


The UI component of a mobile application enhances the overall look and feel of the app, majorly determining how the application is presented to its users. On the other hand, a good UX largely determines the impact and ease of application usability for its customers. Maintaining an effective user experience results in increased trust and user satisfaction towards the brand. UX routinely improves the applicability and effectiveness of the application through continuous research regarding the target market, industry, user’s need and many other crucial factors.

Here are few reasons why you should opt for UI/UX

Customer Acquisition

Successful user experience and design provides a competitive advantage. They will likely overtake price as key brand differentiators that attract new customers. Great enterprise UI/UX is more than just effective product design – it’s good business.

Customer Retention

By building an enterprise application that’s beautiful and intuitive, more people will want to use it, and more importantly continue using it. In this digital world, customer retention is increasingly important as competition grows with every technological advancement.

Lower Support Costs

If an application is poorly designed, there will be an increased need for training, documentation, and support later, which translates into higher costs. An app that is intuitive and easy to use puts less stress on both employees and the bottom line.

Increased Productivity

Better user experience leads to productivity improvements. When you consider the increased productivity over the number of users and hours of day each user is active, the financial impact is readily apparent – and substantial.

Reduces Development Time

Making sure the design is done right – and done well – the first time around will prevent future headaches.

With technology changing rapidly, it’s more important than ever for companies to embrace UI/UX design – not as a one-time event, but as a fluid continuous part of a long-term business strategy.