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  • Top 7 Steps to Create a Successful Mobile Application for your Business
Mayank Saini 0 Comments November 15, 2021


Since mobile users are increasing day by day, the use of mobile applications is also increasing rapidly. This clearly shows that the “web is not enough” you need to deliver your services to your target audience through mobile applications also. So, In this blog, I am going to share the top 7 steps that you should follow while creating a successful mobile application for your business. Keep reading till the end, you are going to get a lot of knowledge in it.

Mobile app development is not a five-finger exercise. One needs to delve into different aspects of understanding all the key objectives for the development of the mobile application. The two core questions asked by potential clients are regarding the process and the process of creating a mobile application.

Discovering Stage Of Mobile App Development

People often directly head towards mobile app development without creating a proper strategy. There are certain hurdles and challenges which they are not aware of. And this could even lead to missing the important factors that may become the successful venture of the mobile app.

Lack of planning and arising complications may cost loads of time and resources. Before you delve to create a mobile app, measure and curate a strategy beforehand.

Understand And Define Your Goals

The first step to the commencement of any project is defining its set of goals. There are business needs and aims, user goals, engagement goals and so much more. There are certain questions that you need to delve into, just like – What is the problem that you need to solve for your target audience? Is it a real problem? What is the best solution for resolving the issue?

Once you have the answers to your questions, you can head forward to the market player and decide upon providing a better alternative than what they offer. Whether you are choosing to develop an outstanding user interface or the less noble approach of cloning the lead product and undercutting price, you need to have a proper strategy.

Learning From Your Competitors

Review every company that offers some sort of service or functionality. Even if they do not offer the same, you will get an idea of the value proposition as your future app. Review their offers. experience and flow of the task. The aim focus of competitive research is on how the company is doing and its related peripherals.

Conceptualizing UI/UX Design

The most outstanding application will fail to impress the market if it lacks usability and design. Users will be intrigued by the application when it intuitive enough. There will be curious about knowing more, what actions to perform and other specifications. The research will be conducted through UX.

What is UX Design?

It is the process where designers create impeccable products serving meaningful and relatable experiences to its users.

  • Step 1: Architecture
  • Information Architecture is all about understanding how the content should be formulated for maximizing accessibility and ease of use. The venture will be such that it will make the users perform the apt action. During this process, you will jot down the features and overall functionality of the application. Also, you will get to decide on how to organize and put in the information.

  • Step 2: Wireframing
  • Wireframing is the process where designers will conduct the framework in the form of a sketch to create an outlook of the mobile app. It will provide you with an idea about the look and feel of the application.

  • Step 3: Clickable prototype
  • Now, you do have the sketch and features, you have to head forward to the product designer’s toolbox. InVision is easier to use, it is all about uploading the screens to the platform and linking them all together.

User Interface (UI) Design

It is the process where designers create impeccable products serving meaningful and relatable experiences to its users.

  • Step 1: Creating Style Guides
  • Style guides create the block of your app’s interface. It keeps the collection of elements, fonts, colors, and icons. You can say it the mini Design System. It also helps the developers to code and implements the app’s interface.

  • Step 2: Formulating and developing Rendered Design
  • It is about taking in the style guide and implementing the same into your wireframes. It is important to stick to your style guide and create the apps’ identity changes. After rendering all your screens, head to the clickable prototype and test it out again.

Making Technical Specifications

The next phase is from design to development. You need to have constant communication between designers and developers since the commencement of the project. To follow a smooth collaboration, here is what you can do.

  • Step 1: Design files
  • Style guides create the block of your app’s interface. It keeps the collection of elements, fonts, colors, and icons. You can say it the mini Design System. It also helps the developers to code and implements the app’s interface.

  • Step 2: Share key user goals
  • It is about taking in the style guide and implementing the same into your wireframes. It is important to stick to your style guide and create the apps’ identity changes. After rendering all your screens, head to the clickable prototype and test it out again.

  • Step 3: Sharing your prototype with the developer
  • It is about taking in the style guide and implementing the same into your wireframes. It is important to stick to your style guide and create the apps’ identity changes. After rendering all your screens, head to the clickable prototype and test it out again.

  • Step 4: Share design specifications
  • It is about taking in the style guide and implementing the same into your wireframes. It is important to stick to your style guide and create the apps’ identity changes. After rendering all your screens, head to the clickable prototype and test it out again.

Creating A Beta Version

Now the main factor is about creating the beta version of your application. It is about putting the idea into action. There are tools like Axure, Irise or where you will be able to create a working prototype without writing a single line of code.

With the use of such platforms, you can put up your prototype to gain potential users and garner their feedback. This will further help you conduct enhancements to your application before its launch.

Launching version 1.0

Once all the process is done and dusted, your application is ready for launch. The new version of your project is ready after rigorous testing. Delve into how your application will be distributed and open sales for your business.

Marketing your app

Building and launching your application is half the application. Getting the right key for the marketing structure will help in building the brand.

Use the right knowledge and techniques for app store marketing. Implement the right source of strategies and create branding collaterals for your target audience to be more enthused to your application.